About Us

Best Veteran Services in Sumter

Helping Vets 1 is a Veteran Services organization committed to helping those in need while advocating for fair and equal conditions for former military personnel in Sumter. We are driven by our passion for helping others, so we always work hard in our efforts to build a better future for our clients and charges. ...
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Professional Trainers and a Conducive Environment

We make sure each of our trainers is seasoned and well-grounded in their field, be it the tools of the modern workspace, or pointers on how to master the art of driving. Not only do we have great professional trainers, but we also provide a high-quality learning environment because we understand that people learn ...
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The Benefits of Counseling

The numerous advantages of mental health counseling are as wide-ranging as they are long-lasting. Mental health counseling offers a range of benefits, including a sense of clarity and an improved sense of direction, too. In the long term, a wellness plan can help you avoid a crisis by utilizing counseling ...
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